Our suggested reading list includes many books and publications that are both interesting and informative. Several of the titles listed below are available in our VWA shop; others may be purchased through your local bookstore or online. If you purchase through Amazon, using Amazon Smile and selecting Vermont Woodlands as your charitable organization, you will further support us with a direct Amazon donation.
If you’ve read any of the books below and would like to submit a book review, we will gladly post. Also feel free to send us additional books for suggested reading.
Mollie Beattie, Lynn Levine, & Charles Thompson. Working with Your Woodland — A Landowner’s Guide (Revised Edition)
Birkenmeier, Jim. Solar Cycle Lumber Kilns: Use locally grown and manufactured wood products to build our local economy
Evans, Trevor. Forest Trees of Vermont
Kathleen Kolb and poet Verandah Porche. Shedding Light on the Working Forest
Levine, Lynn. Mammal Tracks and Scat: Life-Size Tracking Guide (Pocket size)
Levine, Lynn. Identifying Ferns the Easy Way: A Pocket Guide to Common Ferns of the Northeast
McEvoy, Thom J. Planning Family Forests: How to Keep Woodlands Intact and in the Family
McEvoy, Thom J. Introduction to Forest Ecology and Silviculture (2nd Edition)
Long, Stephen. More Than A Woodlot: Getting the Most from your Family Forest. Northern Woodlands, 2012
Long, Stephen. Thirty-Eight: The Hurricane that Transformed New England
Louv, Richard. Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder
McEvoy, Thom J. Owning and Managing Forests, A guide to legal, financial, and practical matters: Island Press, 2005.
McEvoy, Thom J. Positive Impact Forestry, A sustainable approach to managing woodlands: Island Press, 2004.
McEvoy, Thom J. Introduction to Forest Ecology and Silviculture, Third Edition: Forestry Press, Old Hickory, TN 2014.
Northern Woodlands. The Outside Story: Local Writers Explore the Nature of NH and VT Northern Woodlands, Vol. 2
George & Tonya Sousa. The Forester’s Tale
Proulx, Annie. Barkskins
Thompson, Elizabeth H. and Sorenson, Eric R. Wetland, Woodland, Wildland. A Guide to the Natural Communities of Vermont: Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife and The Nature Conservancy, 2000.
USDA Forest Service. Estate Planning for Forest Landowners: What will become of your timberland?
Vermont Council of Rural Development, Imagining Vermont: Values and Vision for the Future 2009
VT Dept. of Fish & Wildlife. Wildlife Habitat Management for Lands in Vermont: A Landowner’s Guide.
Vermont Natural Resources Council. Community Strategies for Vermont’s Forests and Wildlife
Wessels, Tom. Reading the Forested Landscape
Wojtech, Michael. Bark: A Field Guide to Trees of the Northeast
Be sure to visit our Shop page to purchase some of the books listed above.