Climate Adaptations Woods Walk

Climate Adaptations Woods Walk

Saturday, October 9, 10 AM– 12 PM
Little Hogback Community Forest, Monkton
Join Vermont Coverts as we host Ali Kosiba, the Climate Forester with VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation, at the Little Hogback Community Forest in Monkton. Ali is interested in understanding how forests and trees respond to environmental changes. She will share some general information about what we might expect for Vermont’s forests in response to a changing climate, as well as look at how management at the Little Hogback Community Forest can prepare for future impacts. Long-time Coverts Cooperator John McNerney tells us the LHCF owners are working to improve and reroute some of their trails and lessen the slope to improve their resistance to erosion. RSVP to or (802) 877-2777.