Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes program

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Backyard Forestry in 90 Minutes program

Thursday, May 19 7-8:30 pm “White-tailed deer – hidden costs to farmers and management considerations” with Joseph B. Paulin, Conservation Expert, Wildlife Management, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Join for a presentation on white-tailed deer – A small group of New Jersey farmers lost nearly $1.3 million to deer damage in 2019, according to a new


Vermont Tree Farm Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year

Vermont Tree Farm Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year Saturday, October 1 Irwins’ Tree Farm, Lund Lane, Granby Agenda: Registration 9:30 AM Welcome remarks 10 AM Walking tour 10:30 AM Lunch 12 PM Sugarhouse tour and/or Sawmill demo 1 PM Departure 2 PM Irwin Family named Tree Farm of the Year This year’s Vermont Tree


Tree Farm Inspector Field Day

SAVE THE DATE! Tuesday, June 14 9 AM-3 PM Berlin VT The Vermont Tree Farm Program and VWA invite you to participate in 2022 Tree Farm Inspector Field day. This free event is chock full of invaluable information plus great food and giveaways! We are also celebrating this year’s Inspector Award Winners! *Continuing Education credits are


Bird-Friendly Maple

Saturday, June 11 9-11 AM Buck Family Maple Farm, 1 Clermont Road, Washington The maple season may be over for this year, but sugarbushes play a role year round in the forest. Join us for a tour at Buck Family Maple Farm to learn about the sugarbush’s role as habitat for birds and other wildlife.


Woods Walk at the McKay Property in Peacham

Sunday, May 8 2:30-5 PM Tim and Betsy McKay have lived on their 150 acre property in Peacham for 44 years. Tim has actively managed the 110 acres of productive woodland over that time, including harvests of all sorts, much of which he has done himself with a small farm tractor and winch. As a


Spring Ephemeral Walk

Thursday, April 28 5:30-7:30 PM Wiessner Woods Spring beauties, Trout lilies, Trillium, Dutchman’s breeches: spring ephemerals are some of the most beloved signs of the changing season. These fleeting wildflowers emerge briefly each year before the forest canopy has filled in, soaking up sun and taking advantage of moist spring soils. Findable for only a


Fabulous Fantastic Ferns: A Workshop with Lynn Levine

Saturday, June 11 (rain date is Sunday, June 12) 10 AM-12:30 PM Dummerston. Lynn is a naturalist and environmental educator and is the author of the recently published book, “Identifying Ferns the Easy Way: A Pocket Guide to Common Ferns of the Northeast.” Identifying Ferns the Easy Way is the Winner of the 2019 Informational Nonfiction


Earth Day Invasive Removal

Friday, April 22 10 am-1 PM Muddy Brook Wetland Reserve Join Winooski Valley Park District Staff and other volunteers celebrating Earth Day by helping to improve important shrubland habitat. Parking at trailhead off Van Sicklen Rd. in South Burlington. There is limited parking so please reach out to if you are planning to attend. Mud Boots


Partners in Woodland Stewardship

Tuesday, April 26 6-7 pm (But we’ll stick around for questions) In the Cold Hollow to Canada Woodlots program, landowners have an opportunity to learn about their land, get to know local land stewards, and consult with professionals about land management, wildlife habitat, and more. This is a chance to meet other groups in Vermont with