What in the Woods?

For Woodland Owners & Managers Archives - Page 22 of 31 - Vermont Woodlands Association

What in the Woods?

Thursday, May 6 12 PM – 1 PM Interested in learning about what is popping up in the woods or the birds returning? Join Coverts staff Lisa Sausville and Alicia Carlson as they discuss what they are seeing, how they document their observations and work to learn about their woods. This informal lunch time chat will inspire


Women on the Land May Workshop Series

The co-authors of the new Women on the Land publication will be offering four webinars in May for women landowners that will focus forest ecology, management planning, stewardship and succession planning on the northeast. The webinars will take place on Wednesdays in May from 12:30-2:00 ET / 11:30-1:00 CT, with the following themes: May 5:


Spring Wildflowers and their Pollinators

Tues May 4, 2021 1–2 pm Who doesn’t love that first flush of wildflowers in the spring woods? Join Vermont Land Trust to explore the fascinating world of woodland flowers and their visitors. In partnership with Vermont Center for Ecostudies and City Market in Burlington. Register here.


Coffee with the New County Forester

Friday, May 14 9 AM – 10 AM Join Vermont Coverts and Vermont Woodlands Association for an informal discussion over coffee with the new Washington County Forester Robert Nelson. We will have a chance to meet Robert and he will answer your questions about forests, trees, forest ecology, the Current Use program, and whatever else


Trout: The Fish that Grows on Trees!

Thursday, May 6th 6-7 PM Join the Franklin County Natural Resource Conservation District and Women Owning Woodlands in our webinar discussing how to enhance trout habitat on your land! We will be hearing from Lael Will (Fisheries Biologist with the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department), Margaret Murphy (Fish Program Manager with the Vermont Fish and


Woods Whys Webinar

Thursday, May 6, 2021 7:30 PM An Exploration of Forests and Forestry, by Michael Snyder. When you find a great book, do you wish you could chat with the author? Now you can. Whatever your level of experience, from novice to seasoned professional, you’ll find Michael to be not only an exceptionally knowledgeable forester but also an


Facing Invaders: WOW Invasive Discussion

Wednesday, April 28 6:30–7:30 PM Women Owning Woodlands Vermont will host a learning opportunity about invasive species management. The program will start with a short presentation on strategies to manage and control invasive plant species addressing why we care, where to start, whom to call and how to make a plan. Then, we will dive into


A Kinder and Gentler Forest Management:

Ecological Forestry for a Complex World w/ Dr. Tony D’Amato Wednesday, April 14 7– 8 PM Here in Vermont, our forests are precious to us. They enrich our lives, providing us with clean air, clean water, carbon sequestration and storage, wildlife habitat and more. Managing them for firewood, timber, maple syrup and other resources is