Planning for the future of our Forests: Forest Economics and Ecology

Central Vermont Archives - Page 20 of 31 - Vermont Woodlands Association

Vermont Forest Pest First Detector Online Course

Monday, July 19 – Sunday, August 29 Did you know most invasive insect infestations are first discovered not by professionals, but by alert community residents? This free, self-guided online course is designed for people interested in learning to identify, monitor, and help their communities prepare for the tangible threat of invasive forest insects, such as emerald ash borer. This is


Tree Farm Field Day

August 3, 2021 313 McCarty Rd., West Berlin, Vermont Facilitators: Kathy Beland, Alex Barret Host: David Wilcox, Tree Farmer Vermont Tree Farm Facilitators are hosting a morning Tree Farm Inspector Training (SAF credits already assigned), followed by a field session on a Vermont Certified Tree Farm. All foresters are invited and encouraged to attend. (Note:


Using Horses and Small Machinery in the Woods

Saturday 8/28/21, 9 AM – 12 PM This session will focus on how these kinds of positive impact harvest tools offer an alternative approach to short and long-term woodlot management, and how management plans can be written with this non-traditional approach in mind. Horses will be working on-site, along with small tractors and forwarding wagons. Participants will tour the


Tinmouth Mountain Hike – Understanding ESTAs

Saturday, July 10 9:30 AM– 12:30 PM An ESTA is an Ecologically Sensitive Treatment Area and once identified managed differently in a Current Use Plan. We will visit an ESTA on Vermont Coverts Cooperator Bob Lloyd’s property with ecologist Kathy Doyle. Bob will explain the unique ownership of this land and the conservation and management strategies the collective