Chainsaw Safety for Women at Northeast Woodland Training

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Chainsaw Safety for Women at Northeast Woodland Training

September 19 & 20: Game of Logging Levels I (9/19) and II (9/20), 8a – 4p, $200/level For women only: Chain saw safety course, 2 levels. Level 1 focuses on precision felling techniques, Level 2 focuses on Maximizing Saw Performance. Level 1 is required before taking Level 2. Preregistration is required. Participants must bring a


Vermont Land Trust: Whoooo is Oberon the Owl? (webinar)

Owls have lots of unique characteristics, and NorthWoods Stewardship Center happens to have one living on the property! The event was perfect for anyone interested in owls from elementary age to adulthood. Click here to view a recording of the Zoom conference that took place on Friday, September 25.


Coffee with a Consulting Forester – Markus Bradley (webinar)

Join Vermont Coverts and Vermont Woodlands Association for an informal discussion over coffee with Consulting Forester, Markus Bradley. Markus, a partner with Redstart Forestry, is a licensed forester and invasive plant specialist. Markus works to support private landowners in their forest management. In addition, he has completed the Game of Logging safety training, manages a


Coffee with Paul and Emma about Wood Utilization (webinar)

Join VT Coverts and VT Woodlands Association for Coffee with Vermont’s Wood Utilization & Wood Energy Program Leader Paul Frederick and Emma Hanson, Wood Energy Coordinator, both with Forest, Parks and Recreation. Paul’s focus is on maintaining a vibrant forest-based economy that helps to keep our forests forested while reducing dependence on fossil fuels. He


Carbon and Carbon Markets (webinar)

Wednesday, August 19 4-5 PM Forests across the globe, including those that blanket Vermont, have tremendous potential to help us mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration and storage. Increasingly, there are a number of programs that aim to compensate forest landowners for providing this important ecosystem service. These programs include both regulatory and voluntary forest


Old-Growth Forests: What They Are, Why They’re Important, and Opportunities for Management (webinar)

Wednesday, August 19 7-8:30 PM Old-growth forests can be defined as forested ecosystems that have developed somewhat independently over a long time, usually at least several centuries. In addition to being beautiful demonstrations of how forests naturally grow and develop, old-growth forests are incredibly valuable for our landscape. They are diverse and resilient, feature amazing


Coffee with Joanne Garton of the Urban and Community Forestry Program (webinar)

Join Vermont Coverts and Vermont Woodlands Association for an informal discussion over coffee with Joanne Garton, the Technical Assistance Coordinator with the Urban and Community Forestry Program.  Joanne explained what the Urban and Community Forestry Program is and addressed questions about trees and roads, public tree inventory and management as well as community preparedness for