Overview of Common Tree Pests – Online

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Overview of Common Tree Pests – Online

Wednesday, November 17 12-1 PM For those who own land, tree pests are an unfortunate and often unavoidable problem. There are several different kinds of insects, both native and invasive, that have negative effects on different species of trees. Join us for a one-hour zoom webinar on November 17, 12-1 pm to hear from Hannah


Woodcock Wanderings

Wednesday, November 10 7–8 PM Have you wondered about the Timber Doodle? This is the bird that many call the harbinger of spring. This migratory bird leads quite an interesting life and we continue to learn more about it’s habits and habitat. VT Fish and Wildlife Biologist David Sausville will share the basic biology, habitat requirements and


Managing Invasives Plants in Your Forest

Tuesday, November 9 7-8:30 PM Whether you own a large woodlot or just a small yard, you have probably struggled with invasive exotic plants. On a small scale, these resilient plants are a nuisance. On a larger scale, they are a major threat to ecosystems and biodiversity across Vermont’s landscape, and across the globe. In


Environmental Leadership Training

Unit 1: From Science to Planning Note: This is a 3-session training course. You must sign up for all three sessions if you wish to take this class and receive the certificate. Session 2: Monday, November 8, 7-9 PM (Online) Session 3: Monday, November 15, 7-9 PM (Online) This training (formerly known as NR 1) will introduce


Introduction to Vermont’s Current Use Program (online)

Tuesday, October 12 7–8 PM With nearly 16,000 parcels and 2 million acres of forestland enrolled in Current Use, the program is considered by many to be Vermont’s pre-eminent forest conservation program. The program supports, conservation of forestland, the forest economy, and affordable land ownership among many other values. Join Keith Thompson, Private Lands Program Manager


“Forest Operations Supervisor – Supervising for Safety” Workshop

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 The Vermont Logger Safety and Workers’ Compensation Insurance Program, developed to modernize safety on logging operations and reduce workers’ compensation insurance costs, is entering its third year! ​For mechanized and non-mechanized logging contractors enrolling in the Vermont Logger Safety and Workers’ Compensation Insurance Program to be eligible for “safety certified” status


River Corridors for Wildlife

Saturday, October 2 9:30 AM– 12 PM Join us to learn about how river corridors can be managed to enhance wildlife habitat and to provide erosion control for flood resiliency. Coverts Cooperator Ron Millard has worked with the White River Partnership on a floodplain tree planting and has placed some of his land in an


Climate Adaptations Woods Walk

Saturday, October 9, 10 AM– 12 PM Little Hogback Community Forest, Monkton Join Vermont Coverts as we host Ali Kosiba, the Climate Forester with VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation, at the Little Hogback Community Forest in Monkton. Ali is interested in understanding how forests and trees respond to environmental changes. She will share


The River Corridor, Floodplains, and Riparian Habitat – Webinar

Friday, November 5, 10-11 AM The network of streams and rivers across Vermont is critically important for climate resilience. These places are dynamic systems, constantly changing and home to incredible biological diversity as well as many other functions and values. In this collaborative presentation, join a panel of planners from the Agency of Natural Resources