Notice of Proposed Rule: Biomass Renewable Energy Standard

Notice of Proposed Rule: Biomass Renewable Energy Standard

Notice of Proposed Rule: Biomass Renewable Energy Standard

Act No. 56 of the Acts of 2015 established a Renewable Energy Standard and Energy Transformation Program for electric utilities in the State of Vermont which specifically includes biomass to produce electricity. Act 56 amended Chapter 87 of Title 10 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated to add a new section 2751, which requires the Commissioner of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to adopt rules that establish renewability standards for forest products used to generate energy by distributed renewable generation and energy transformation projects within the Renewable Energy Standard. 10 V.S.A. §2751. These standards may include minimum efficiency requirements for wood boilers and requirements for harvesting and procurement. In developing these rules, the Commissioner shall consider differentiating the standards by type of forest product and scale of forest product.
Public Hearing:
  • A public hearing will be held online via Microsoft Teams on Friday, July 16th at 10:00am EST.
Public Comment: