Vermont EAB Update

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Vermont EAB Update

Several new detections of EAB in northwest Vermont have expanded the current infested area into Franklin County. The map of the infested area in Vermont to which “Slow the Spread” recommendations apply now includes new areas in the towns of Isle LaMotte, North Hero,  St. Albans, Swanton, and Highgate. A small area in the town


August 2020 Forest Health Insect and Disease Observations report

August marks the last full month of the summer season, with fall colors and cooler temperatures right around the corner. On average, this month was warmer and wetter than August of 2019. Statewide temperatures averaged 65.6°F, which was 1°F warmer than last year. Statewide precipitation averaged 4.17 inches, which was 0.38 inches more than August


Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week: September 12-19, 2020

New Toolkit & Activities Encourage the Public to Get Involved Montpelier, VT – The week of September 12 – 19 has been designated as Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week in Vermont. The week is part of a nationwide effort to raise public understanding of an invasive forest pest that has destroyed millions of ash trees


Availability of Petition for Deregulation of American Chestnut Developed Through Genetic Engineering

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is inviting public comment on a petition from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) seeking deregulation of an American chestnut variety developed using genetic engineering for fungal resistance to chestnut blight. The petition will be


July 2020 Forest Health Insect and Disease Observations report

July continued to follow the warming trend, with higher temperatures and similar rainfall as the previous year. Statewide temperatures averaged 71°F, which was 2°F warmer than last year. Statewide precipitation averaged 3.93 inches, which was 0.54 inches more than July of last year. In the beginning of the month, the U.S. Drought Monitor listed 39.69%


Forest Economy Stabilization Grant

The Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR) is pleased to announce that the application for the Forest Economy Stabilization Grant program (FESG) is live as of 8 am Wednesday, August 5, 2020. Click here to access the application. Important information to read before you start filling out your application: The grants are awarded on a first-come,


New Program: Forest Business Training for Mid-Career Professionals

The Vermont Forest Business School (FBN) will offer a special session for mid-career forest business owners and professionals starting this Fall (October 2020). This part time program will use a combination of distance learning and occasional group sessions to provide professional development for people who want to grow and enhance their enterprises. Northeast Forests, LLC


June 2020 Forest Health Insect and Disease Observations report

Mid-June marks the end of spring and the official start to the summer season. Temperatures fluctuated throughout the month, with average ranges between 50°F and 75.8°F. Compared to last year, this month was warmer and dryer than June of 2019. Statewide temperatures averaged 62.9°F, which was 2.3°F warmer than last year. Statewide precipitation averaged 2.54


New Technology for Vermont’s Oldest Industry

Start-Up Whiteout Solutions Piloting Forest Inventory and Mapping Technology in Northeast Kingdom By Christine McGowan, Forest Products Program Director at Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund Vermont’s first sawmill opened in 1738, nearly a century before the first chainsaw was invented, not to mention cars or telephones. And it was at least 150 years before that sawmill


Financial Relief for the Forest Economy

On Friday, June 26, 2020, the Senate and house passed S. 351 to provide financial assistance to the agricultural community and included appropriations to the Forestry sector. The house amendment included appropriating $5,000,000 for the Forest Economy Stabilization Grant Program. Under this legislation, a Forest Product business that can demonstrate economic harm related to COVID-19