Sponsorship Program

Sponsorship Program

Vermont Woodlands Association (VWA) offers several opportunities to reach your customers and support our work.   Consider partnering with us as a sponsor or placing an ad in one of our newsletters.

Become a Business for Healthy Forests

Join our effort to ensure Vermont’s privately owned forests remain healthy by partnering with us as a business sponsor.  At Vermont Woodlands Association we working to ensure Vermont’s forests remain healthy through education and advocacy. Now you can join our effort through a tax-deductible contribution.

Sign up to Become a Business for Healthy Forests and support VWA 

















Quarterly Newsletter Advertisements

Individual advertisement placements are available for our quarterly newsletter at the following rates. Email us for more information at director@vermontwoodlands.org.

E-News Advertisements

Individual advertisements are available in our e-newsletter at $60/month.  Email us for more information at director@vermontwoodlands.org.